Orders are usually ready to be picked up within 24 hours, or 48 hours for Friday / Saturday orders. You can pay online, or by cash or check when you get your order. If you have questions, contact us.
Showing 1–16 of 24 results
Aged Cheddar ~ Handcrafted May 2020 or March 2021
All-Natural Maple Yogurt
All-Natural Vanilla Yogurt
Apple Wood Smoked Cheddar
Award Winning 5 Pepper Party Cheddar
Basil Tomato Cheddar
Blueberry Cheddar
Cheese Curds! Back for the Summer!
Cheese Gift Baskets
Cranberry Cheddar
Dill and Garlic Cheddar
Farm Fresh Eggs
Farm-Raised Beef
Fresh Mild Cheddar